Libra has been with Hope Haven since 2002 and lives in one of our residential homes with two other roommates. She is one of the most outgoing and helpful people we have the privilege of serving.
At the beginning of this year, we learned that Libra was diagnosed with breast cancer. Libra had subsequent surgery and months of chemotherapy and radiation treatment; daunting challenges for anyone to experience, let alone during a global pandemic. Despite the drastic health changes, sudden halt in her normal routine, and having to shelter-in-place throughout the entire year, Libra remained active and stayed connected with friends and community members with the help of technology and staff creativity.
Through it all, Libra continued to show great resolve and optimism as she underwent treatment and health challenges. The Hope Haven staff assisted her with appointments, provided medical and emotional support, and cheered her on every step of the way. As of November 2020, Libra completed her cancer treatment and is in remission! We are so grateful and inspired by Libra’s courageous journey.